Several people have mentioned that they are interested in getting a Cricut. I strongly suggest it, but there are a few things tips I'd follow.
First of all, go with the Cricut Expression. It's the larger of the two machines and it will cut up to 12"x24'. Much better than the 6"x12" the "Baby Bug" will cut.
Second, don't purchase your machine at a local hobby/craft store. With just a little searching & shipping patience, you can have your machine and be richer too! My FAVORITE place to get all things Cricut is Hallmark Scrapbook. (No, I'm not getting paid or compensated by them in anyway, but I could be bought if anyone knows someone with them!!) Check them out at
Third, get a stack of cardstock and play with your machine. Learning your machine is going to be the easiest if you just sit down and try different things out. DO NOT "learn" to use your machine on your expensive paper that you only bought one sheet of because it was perfect for your _______ project. (Trust me here, you say words that make your mom give you dirty looks!!)
Fourth, use the internet to your advantage. There are TONS of examples, tutorials and videos on how to do just about anything with you machine. (Yes, there are even people out there who will show you how to take it apart! Watch out for Dave, Jess!!) You can spend your money on books if you want, but surfing the internet will give you the same result for less money. Now, while I'm a fan of not buying books, I am will say attending a class in your area is a good idea. Sometimes it's just nice see someone else work your machine. There are several of these around. Look into your community centers, local scrapbooking stores, hobby stores and even Archiver's. Again, no money exchanging hands, at least they're not giving me any. (I give them plenty each time I visit!) will give you locations and class schedules. Classes vary from free (wahoo) to $25 and for the most part provide all the supplies.
I hope these tips help. I LOVE my Cricut and especially love how it makes me look talented. All you do is type, press cut and then glue. This I can handle!!!
21 hours ago
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