Thursday, April 14, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there was a little room that was a huge mess.  After hours and hours of demolishing, scrubbing, painting, moving heavy things in and out, and a couple of tears, okay bunch, I had a finished perfect laundry room.  In case you forgot, here is the before.

Ugh right?  It's okay if you want to go take a shower, I'll excuse you as long as you come right back when you're done.  I wanted to shower the first time I saw my house as well.  Yet I bought it anyway.  Yes, I know I need to seek mental help.  Working in it folks.  Again I've really, really digressed.

Here is the laundry room in all its gorgeous-ness.  It was the day that this photo was taken that it was suggested that tear a huge hole in the wall and create a pantry.  While the idea sounds fabulous, it was at that point that I burst into tears.  Keep in mind that for a year and a half I had been working toward getting a "real" laundry room and the second it was finished and beautiful someone wanted to tear a huge hole in it and make a mess.  In case any guy is reading this, not a good idea to tell a girl with a new room that you want to make a mess of it!

So, stay tuned for the consequent hole and creative mess that followed...

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