Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finishing Up the Pantry

I know it's been a while since I've posted.  I'd love to say I've been making huge strides with my house, but that would be a fib.  Life has happened though and I've been trying to take it all in stride.  I did finish my pantry though.  If you don't recall, my pantry originally looked like this.

Fabulous huh??  Yup, the cinder blocks really added a little somethin-somethin to my food storage.  Jealous, aren't you??  I know, it's okay.

In all seriousness though, the shelves were cut-down from my old closet and repurposed into "pantry" shelves.  The cinder blocks had been hauled out of my parents' yard and leftover from a brother's wedding.  While I appreciated the storage they offered, I wasn't happy with their mismatched look.  Ugh.  So, out came even more white paint, excuse me, "Heavy Cream."

And, as is typical for me, I got paint EVERYWHERE!!  I do not understand how people manage to paint neatly and keep everything contained and clean.  I can show you every single color I've ever used based on my painting clothes.  Ridiculous I know, but I get the job done, eventually.

After the boards and blocks dried, mostly, I neatly stacked them in the new cute pantry.  NEVER EVER doubt the power of paint, people!

Instead of mismatched boards and dirty cinder blocks, I had sculpture pieces that made a custom pantry with twice the space.  (Sculptural?  Are you kidding?  (Hey, let me have my delusions, here.  It keeps me happy!!))

When all was said and done, I had an awesome pantry!  It's not the one of my dreams, yet, but it is so much better than before.  

1 comment:

  1. Cute - and thrifty! I use spray paint ANYTIME I possibly can and it keeps things pretty neat. King Dollar has had some pretty colors for only $1.15 so I would totally pick some up if you have more painting jobs in your future! Is that wallpaper behind the shelves?


Thanks so much for leaving me some love! I appreciate it!