Sunday, November 21, 2010

I know, I know, I didn't fall off the face of the Earth nor did I not complete anything on the list and was too embarrassed to admit to the world. I actually completed most everything on my list. My real reason for not posting is mental exhaustion. Something about teaching long division to 9 year olds for the fourth week in a row has me done in. Wiped, pooped, dead-tired, and too exhausted to think of more words! The good news is that my students are catching on and can do it. The even better news is that Thanksgiving vacation starts on Wednesday at noon!! Yay!!

I have been busy not only at school, but at home as well. I have 2 closet door panels ready to paint, one coat closet door ready to paint, the Thanksgiving/Halloween decorations gathered to put away, the mattresses switched, part of the backyard cleared of leaves, a quart bag of pecans cleaned and ready for pie and am caught up on grading at work. Typing it up it doesn't seem like such a large amount, but I promise it was some work to get it there!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I have the immense pleasure of attending the state Science teachers’ convention in Houston, TX this week. On top of getting 2 days “off” work, I get to meet and greet some of the biggest minds in local Science circles and get inspired to change minds and challenge ideas in my classroom. So far I’ve attended a session on writing grants and gotten examples of winning grant applications. (*Disclaimer: I’m writing this in between sessions on the floor outside of one of the rooms, waaaaay prior to posting this, November 12th actually.)

This afternoon I have a fun time planned with Sceicne Vocabulary Games and STEM skills. (For anyone wanting to know, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.) And yes, I really do consider that to be a fun time. Granted, this is before the sessions and I might be singing a different tune later, but I’m thinking positive. This evening is going to be capped by goodies in the Exhibit Hall and a performance by Arc Attack! Any idea? Yeah, me neither. After some impressive googling, I discovered that they are a band, kinda, sorta. Instead of using traditional speakers, they use mini Telsa Coils to create sounds. Apparently they have been featured on America’s Got Talent and are one of the semifilnalists. (I’ll be honest, if it’s not on my TiVo, I haven’t seen it. Guess what I don’t record?) The videos on YouTube on incredible and the show should be amazing. I’ll let you know…

Friday, November 5, 2010


I have a huge crush that I need to admit to. I LOVE lists! I use them tons, rarely completing everything, but making them with the greatest of intentions. (I must confess. Sometimes I put things on lists that I've already done just so I can cross them off...) Soooo, in honor of my love of lists, I'm posting my t0-do list for this weekend. The reason for the oh-so public posting?? Guilt, plain and simple. If I know that the people of blogland are going to be reading my list and looking to see what I have completed, I need to get busy. So, here goes:

1. Laundry
2. Switch mattresses
3. Return bad stripper
4. Find good stripper
5. Strip closet doors
6. Sand doors
7. Make week's breakfast
8. Finish take-home work
9. Fill water bottles
10. Pick up Scentsy order
11. Sort out present closet (daunting task...)
12. Wrap Christmas presents
13. Take down Halloween wreath (oops!)

What's on your to-do list this weekend?