Thursday, August 13, 2009

Small Victories

Today was officially Brenham ISD's first day back at work, which put a large cramp in getting much done at the house. Not to worry though, after sitting in meetings all day, I headed over to the house and took out some frustrations. The office (first bedroom) is now completely free of carpet, pad, tack strips and nails. Bless you Jess and Amy because I am having trouble typing this due to sore forearms. Prying out those tack strips is an awesome workout and a great way to get rid of any hangups from sitting on your bum all day. I was also able to rid the house of the lovely interior shutters in four of the rooms. Thanks Dalman for taking them off my hands! I'm all about keeping things out of the landfill. Can I offer anyone pink tiles or paneling??? You are welcome to come uninstall it and pick it up...

If you noticed the subject of this, it's small victories. I called back the warranty company today about the AC. I explained that I had a home inspection report that declared the unit working, and two separate Realtors that also said it was working. Old Republic Warranty decided that they would send someone out to check out the unit to see if it was possible that it was actually working on Tuesday at the exact moment of closing. Okay, whatever!?! The main thing I was happy about was that I stood up for myself and they are sending someone out. Granted, I am spending $60 to prove a point, but I'm chalking it up to perseverance. Hopefully their service guy will see things my way and I'll have AC by the weekend. Please don't hold your breath because I'm not responsible for anyone passing out!

On a side note, your name is on this list because I thought you might be interested in hearing my tales. If not, let me know and I'll remove you from the list, no big deal. (However, if you are a brother, you're not being removed no matter how you beg... You can delete without comment, but you DO have to receive them.) ;)

Tomorrow I'll include pictures, but tonight I'm falling asleep on the keyboard. It's making for interesting spelling of certain words. Let me know if you're interested in that tile...

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